About Us

About Us

We are a community of practicing Christians. For us this means that we do our best to practice our faith daily. We care for those whom Jesus calls us to serve in our community. We seek to share our faith in word and action with humility. We understand that being a follower of Jesus Christ takes a lot of practice and none of us claim to have perfected it. We invite you to grow in faith and purpose with us. 


Mission Statement

Our mission is to be a nurturing fellowship, committed to making Jesus Christ known, sharing our faith in God and offering service, spiritual growth, and a peaceful haven in our complex world. 

Our core values are spirituality, acceptance, community, love and caring


Welcoming Statement

As we strive to follow in the way of Jesus Christ, Northwest Christian Church welcomes all of God’s children to join us in worship, service, fellowship, and in the sharing of our faith. We believe that all people are created in the image of God, and that all people can serve God just as they are. We hold in our hearts that God’s love is inclusive. We welcome people of every race, age, physical or mental ability, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity to join us as we make Jesus Christ known in the world

Learn more about the Disciples of Christ at http://disciples.org/our-identity/our-mission-vision-and-confession/
